In the City of Fairview Heights, Illinois

The Land Use & Development Department is responsible for two inter-related functions of the City
The Planning and Development function, and the Building Code permitting and enforcement function. The Department is also responsible for working with appointed boards, including the Planning Commission, Planning Committee, Zoning Board of Appeals, Economic Development Commission, and other special committees and sub-committees.
Message from Dallas Alley
CFM, the Director of the Land Use & Development Department.
Welcome to the Land Use and Development Department homepage! Thank you for visiting.
It is the mission of the Land Use and Development Department to ensure Fairview Heights is a well-planned, livable and stable community. We carry out this mission through regulations and policy documents — specifically, the City’s Comprehensive Plan, zoning code, building and property maintenance codes and animal control ordinances.
The Department’s primary functions are divided into three areas : Planning and Zoning; Building Permits and Inspections; and Property Maintenance/Code Enforcement. Together staff from these interrelated functions work with City Departments, jurisdictions and stakeholders to make Fairview Heights an attractive short and long term destination. The Department also provides guidance and technical assistance to appointed boards, including the Planning Commission, Zoning Board of Appeals, and other special committees.
On this homepage you will find information about building and occupancy permits and inspections, zoning codes, long range planning studies, how to make a complaint, application forms and other related services we provide.
Please do not hesitate to contact me with questions, concerns or suggestions!